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Physiological Changes

Physiological Adaptations To Exercise

Many physiological changes are associated with aging. These changes cannot be avoided, but through regular exercise, the onset can be delayed and the effects minimized. Some of the effects which impact, and can be improved by exercise.


As sure as it is that time will pass, the physiological changes associated with aging will inevitably affect us all.  Whilst we cannot change the nature of aging, and its effects, we might be able to slow down the aging process, thus improving quality of life and reducing the risk of associated illnesses and injuries.


How can we achieve this? Lifestyle and dietary interventions have shown promising results, but only one intervention has consistently demonstrated the ability to attenuate functional decline amongst older adults – physical exercise.


Cardiovascular exercises should have a point. It is pretty straightforward to raise the heart-rate through movement, so why not incorporate a useful skill into the exercise? Martial arts or self-defense and swimming are two skills that could potentially save your life. They are also fun, interesting, and social exercises which help to achieve the same effect as “basic” cardiovascular exercises.  


Functional strength training focuses on strengthening the body by performing movement patterns which have a high degree of carry-over to day-to-day activities or the specific movement requirements of work and sports. Think standing up from a chair, rising from the floor, lifting and carrying awkward objects, and balance-orientated movements. Movements like these help to strengthen the body as a whole whilst potentially making daily tasks easier and reducing the risk of injuries. Performing these exercises correctly can also help to improve your mobility and flexibility. A strong muscle is a flexible muscle and focusing on the correct form can have a drastic effect on your mobility and posture.


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